
DiaForm is a asynchronous workshop format. It provides for untarnished workshop experiences with no need for convening in one physical space. DiaForm is also low touch: empowering self-instruction and self-direction at your own pace.

It's easy enough to start a DiaForm:

Deferring to your-preferred-collaboration tools and practices is no small matter. There's no longer the hassle of synchronising all participants on a fixed time slot. You're now free to fit with your schedule or mood—spread across days, weeks or months even.


DiaForm provides for scheduling check-ins with seasoned workshop facilitators. This is wholly optional and without them you will get to a valuable design outcome regardless. A check-in does inject a moment of reflection and coaching, and of taking stock of the trees and the forest.

Check-ins will follow your pace along the design process. One for each design layer completed is a common schedule. Condensing it to a check-ins at Experience and Challenge layers is viable too.


Instruction videos, along with their transcripts, guide you over the full five layers of platform design. You can watch these in order of the public playlist, or pick out individual ones from the list below:

Last updated